Money-Grubbers, Worry-Warts, and Treasure-Seekers
Everyone needs a “why”—a reason to get up, a purpose for life. It leads to big questions: What is life all about? Why are we here? How do we live meaningfully? For followers of Jesus, these questions are central to the journey of discipleship. In Luke 12, Jesus tackles these existential questions through parables … [Read More…] Money-Grubbers, Worry-Warts, and Treasure-Seekers
This often-neglected book is brimming with spiritual insights. Together we’ll learn about the holiness of God, the richness of His mercies, what it means for us to worship Him as He deserves, and where our true hope lies in troubled times.
Tough Love \ Tender Mercies
show moreIn this series through the book of Ephesians, we'll discover what it means to become alive in Christ