Getting Love Right

]One of the hallmarks of Jesus’ ministry is His use of parables, short and powerful stories jam-packed with spiritual insights and timeless lessons. 2,000 years later, we’re still unpacking these brilliant tales. Today we get the privilege of diving into one of the most famous of all Jesus’ parables: The Good Samaritan.   Like many … [Read More…] Getting Love Right

What is the Christian life supposed to look like? How does real faith in God affect how we live in the real world? It’s more than right thought; it’s right living borne out of a relationship with God through Jesus. Drawing on wisdom from the Sermon on the Mount and the book of Proverbs, the letter from James shows us how to live out our faith by addressing everyday issues with practical instruction, and reveals how real faith has an impact on real life.

Real Life Real Faith

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What is this overarching story of the Bible, and what does it mean for us today? This five-week series explores the meta narrative that flows from the beginning of the Bible to its end. You’ll come away with a big-picture understanding of God’s ultimately love letter to humanity.

Story of Salvation

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