Money-Grubbers, Worry-Warts, and Treasure-Seekers
Everyone needs a “why”—a reason to get up, a purpose for life. It leads to big questions: What is life all about? Why are we here? How do we live meaningfully? For followers of Jesus, these questions are central to the journey of discipleship. In Luke 12, Jesus tackles these existential questions through parables … [Read More…] Money-Grubbers, Worry-Warts, and Treasure-Seekers
From the Brunswick Manifesto, to the Declaration of Independence, to Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream,” the history of the world has turned upon ideas. Two-thousand years ago, a Jewish Rabbi from Nazareth turned the world on its head with His Sermon on the Mount. He proclaimed an upside-down Kingdom so radical, they killed Him in an attempt to put an end to His ideas. But even death couldn’t stop the upside-down Way of Jesus. In our modern world dominated by divisive and corrupt political kingdoms, the Way of Jesus shines through. His Kingdom is without borders. His Word is trustworthy and true. His Way ushers in a new kind of humanity. Come discover the upside-down Kingdom and the right-side-up Way of life!
The Upside-Down Kingdom
show moreJesus is inviting you on the journey of a lifetime to know God, feed your soul, grow in love, and change your world. It’s a spiritual journey of abundant life—the life you and I were made for—and it all starts when we respond to Jesus’ invitation to follow Him. So, what are you waiting for? The journey of a lifetime awaits! Jesus is calling, “Come, follow me!”