The Once and Future King

Pop quizzes in school are dreaded because they reveal whether you’re prepared. Similarly, the Bible tells us an ultimate “pop quiz” is coming: the return of Jesus, the King of kings. We can’t afford to be unprepared.   Luke 12:35-59 outlines how to be ready for His return: Be Alert: Like servants waiting for their … [Read More…] The Once and Future King

What is this overarching story of the Bible, and what does it mean for us today? This five-week series explores the meta narrative that flows from the beginning of the Bible to its end. You’ll come away with a big-picture understanding of God’s ultimately love letter to humanity.

Story of Salvation

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We’ve all heard that Jesus is the reason for the season, but why? Why did Jesus come, and what did He accomplish through His life, death, and resurrection? The nativity was only the beginning. Jesus’ life here on earth fulfilled God’s promises given over 4,000 years ago, and that continues now and into eternity. The scope of the goodness and richness of Jesus’ blessings for us is incredible! This Advent season, don’t miss the bigger picture behind the Christmas story.

Why He Came

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