Our natural default is to try to do things on our own. But when trouble comes, whether it’s relationships, temptation, anxiety, or sin, we realize that we aren’t strong enough to do it on our own. The spiritual strength we need is found in our Savior. We need His strength for our weakness.


Three keys to spiritual strength:

  1. Rely on the Holy Spirit: To be empowered by the Spirit means that Christ dwells in our hearts. We must fully rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to renew our inner self. How do we know if we are relying on the Holy Spirit? We should check the desires and motivations of our heart. Are you faithful to God in the small things? Are you consistent in practicing spiritual disciplines? How do you go about making a difficult decision? Are your future goals something you can accomplish on your own or only with God’s help?
  2. Know the Love of Jesus: Love is the foundation of all that we are in Jesus. Great strength is found in the security of Jesus’ love. Do you know how much He loves you? You cannot be a spiritually mature person if you don’t grow in the knowledge of how much you are loved by God.
  3. Recognize God’s Abundant Power: God loves to use ordinary people to show His extraordinary power.


Takeaway: God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.


Where do you need God’s power in your life today?


Ephesians 3:14-21