The Book of Ephesians is about God’s plan for the fullness of time to unite all things throughout eternity. God’s plan is the biggest logistic undertaking of all time.


Against that backdrop, we get a prayer report from Paul in Ephesians 3 about the way he prays for the church. Paul’s primary point is this: To grasp the breadth of the love of Christ, you need to view it alongside all the saints. You cannot get a the full view of Christ’s love as an individual. Because both Jew and Gentile are now united in Christ, together we can approach the throve of God’s grace to get a glimpse of His awesome love for us.


Takeaway: how can we be filled with all the “fullness of God”? We need to have unity with the church to grasp the love of God.


Ephesians 3:14-21


Speaker Bio: Dr. Peter Williams is the Principal of Tyndale House, Cambridge and an Affiliated Lecturer at the University of Cambridge. He earned his M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. at Cambridge University studying ancient languages related to the Bible. He originally planned to become a Bible translator, but after seeing how many students of the Bible did not recognize its authority, Dr. Williams decided to change his professional direction and become an evangelical scholar in order to advance confessional scholarship. Dr. Williams is also Chair of the International Greek New Testament Project and a member of the Translation Committee of the English Standard Version of the Bible.