D.L. Moody Weekly: Wisdom from our Founder

D.L. Moody Weekly: Christ Our Teacher
Christ our Teacher Perhaps some of you have come to a fork in the road sometimes, and you have not know just which way to turn. I was going to a little town last month to preach the gospel, and I came over a bridge, and I came to a road that ran right across … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Christ Our Teacher

D.L. Moody Weekly: Peace
Peace A great mistake people make is that they are looking for peace in the world. It is not to be found in the world. We are going to have it by and by in that millennium reign. By and by He is coming back, and "righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Peace

D.L. Moody Weekly: Loving Our Enemies
Loving Our Enemies If I love the brethren, that is a sign that I have got Christ's spirit. If I love my enemies, that is a better sign. Now it takes the grace of God -- it takes the love of God -- nothing but the love of God will enable me to do that. … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Loving Our Enemies

D.L. Moody Weekly: Thankfulness
Thankfulness We ought to be more thankful for what we get from God. Perhaps some of you mothers have a child in your family who is constantly complaining—never thankful. You know that there is not much pleasure in doing anything for a child like that. Ingratitude is about the hardest thing we have to meet … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Thankfulness

D.L. Moody Weekly: Seeking the Kingdom First
Seeking the Kingdom First Now I want to call your attention to the other text I spoke of. My text is both a question and a command. The question is “What seek ye?” and the command is this: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Seeking the Kingdom First

D.L. Moody Weekly: What Seek Ye?
What Seek Ye? There are two things I want to call your attention to this evening. The first is in the words of the 1st chapter of John, 40th verse; and the second is in the 6th chapter of Matthew, 33rd verse. The first text is the first words that fell from the lips of … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: What Seek Ye?

D.L. Moody Weekly: Future Punishment
Future Punishment I want to talk to you about the 25th verse of the 16th chapter of Luke - just two words: “Son, remember!” You that were here yesterday will remember that I spoke to you about the love of God; and you that were here last week will remember that I spoke to you … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Future Punishment

D.L. Moody Weekly: The Love of God
The Love of God We have for our subject this evening, “Love.” I have often thought I wouldn’t have but one text; if I thought I could only make the world believe that God is love, I would only take that text, and go up and down the earth, trying to counteract what Satan has … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: The Love of God

D.L. Moody Weekly: Where Is Your Treasure?
Where Is Your Treasure? Now, my friends, ask yourselves the question, “Where is your treasure?” Or, in other words, “Where is your heart?” When you find out that, then you will find out where your treasure is. In the 10th chapter of Hebrews, 13th verse, are these words: “These all died in faith, not having … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Where Is Your Treasure?

D.L. Moody Weekly: Heavenly Treasures
Heavenly Treasures Last night, you remember, our subject was heaven, and we were trying to find out who were there; and I want to take the subject right up where I left off. And I call your attention to the 6th chapter of Matthew and 19th verse, where you will find these words: “Lay not … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Heavenly Treasures

D.L. Moody Weekly: Heaven
Heaven We have for our subject this evening, heaven. It is not as some talk about heaven, as just the air. I find a good many people now that think there is no heaven, only just here in this world; that this is all the heaven we will ever see. I talked with a man … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Heaven

D.L. Moody Weekly: Seek the Lord
Seek the Lord In the 29th chapter of Jeremiah, and the 13th verse, it says: “And ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” I wish men would seek for Christ as they seek for wealth. I wish men would seek for Christ as they seek … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Seek the Lord

D.L. Moody Weekly: God is Able to Save Unto the Utmost
God is Able to Save Unto the Utmost Let us see how God is able to save unto the utmost. I want you to read the 14th and 15th verses of John chapter 3: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up, that … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: God is Able to Save Unto the Utmost

D.L. Moody Weekly: Come Into the Ark — While that Door is Open
Come Into the Ark -- While that Door is Open The word comes to Noah, “Come thou and all thy house into the ark.” Now you see all Noah’s neighbors and friends ridiculing him as he moves in. They say he certainly is mad. After he has moved in, the first thing that alarms them … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Come Into the Ark — While that Door is Open

D.L. Moody Weekly: Come Into the Ark
Come Into the Ark This word “come” you will find in all parts of the Bible; but this is the first time it occurs. One hundred and twenty years before this invitation was given, Noah had received the most awful tidings that ever came from Heaven to earth. No tidings like that had ever come … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Come Into the Ark

D.L. Moody Weekly: The Compassion of Christ
The Compassion of Christ I want to call your attention this evening to just one word – compassion. Some time ago I took up the concordance, and ran through the life of Christ to see what it was that moved him to compassion; for we read often in his life, while he was down here, … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: The Compassion of Christ

D.L. Moody Weekly: What Think Ye of Christ?
What Think Ye of Christ? I want to ask you a question -- not what you think of this church or that church; not what you think of this minister or that minister; nor what you think of this creed or that creed; not what you think of this denomination or that denomination. The question … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: What Think Ye of Christ?

D.L. Moody Weekly: Grace
Grace There is a sermon just in the meaning of the word. It is one of these words that are very little understood at the present time, like the word gospel. Now grace means unlimited mercy, undeserved favor, or unmerited love. I had a man come to me today to see me, and his plea … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Grace

D.L. Moody Weekly: Read Your Own Biography
Read Your Own Biography Now, if a man wants to find out what he is, let him turn to the 3rd chapter of Romans. He can read his life there. If you want to read your own biography, you need not write it yourself. Turn to the 3rd chapter of Romans, and it is all … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Read Your Own Biography

D.L. Moody Weekly: A Tale of Two Fathers
A Tale of Two Fathers A soldier, wounded during our last war, lay dying in his cot. Suddenly the deathlike stillness of the room was broken by the cry, “Here! Here!” which burst from the lips of the dying man. Friends rushed to the spot and asked what he wanted. “Hark,” he said, “they are … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: A Tale of Two Fathers

D.L. Moody Weekly: You Must Be Born Again
You Must Be Born Again It is a very solemn question, then, that comes up before us; and would that every one should ask himself earnestly and faithfully: “Have I been born again? Have I been born of the Spirit? Have I passed from death unto life?” Now there is another class of men who … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: You Must Be Born Again

D.L. Moody Weekly: Except a Man Be Born Again
Except a Man Be Born Again If there are a thousand people here tonight who want to know what love God has for them, let them read the 3rd chapter of John; and they will find it there, and find eternal life. They need not go out of this hall tonight to find eternal life. … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Except a Man Be Born Again

D.L. Moody Weekly: The Gospel of Whosoever
The Gospel of Whosoever Now, I like to proclaim the gospel, because it is to be proclaimed to all. When I see a poor drunkard, when I see a thief, when I see a prisoner in yonder prison, it is a grand, glorious thing, to go and proclaim to him the glad tidings, because I … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: The Gospel of Whosoever

D.L. Moody Weekly: The Gospel
The Gospel Christ says, “I did not come to destroy men’s lives. I came to save them.” And it seems to me to be the greatest madness that the world doesn’t receive Christ. That we should have to coax and to entreat men to receive Christ, isn’t it a mystery? Suppose, while I am preaching, … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: The Gospel

D.L. Moody Weekly: To Every Man His Work
To Every Man His Work I believe if the truth was known, that every man and woman in this assembly has a work laid out for them to do; that every man’s life is a plan of the Almighty, and way back in the councils of eternity God laid out a work for each one … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: To Every Man His Work

D.L. Moody Weekly: The Importance of Mothers
The Importance of Mothers Another thing. It seems to me that we devote too little time to studying the Sunday-school lesson. That lesson should be taken up by parents, and they should try to explain it to their children. But how many ever think of this? How many parents ever take the trouble to inquire … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: The Importance of Mothers

D.L. Moody Weekly: Courage
Courage If we are going to succeed, we have got to be of good courage; and the moment we get our eyes on God and remember who he is, and that he has all power in heaven and earth, that it is God that commands us to work in his vineyard, then it is that … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Courage

D.L. Moody Weekly: Outside of Yourself
Outside of Yourself Instant salvation! In other words, “How can every soul in this building be saved tonight?” I want to ask: Do you want to be saved? Have you come to-night for that purpose? Or have you just come here to see the audience? Or have you come here to sing? Or out of … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Outside of Yourself

D.L. Moody Weekly: Strength in Weakness
Strength in Weakness If you want to introduce two men to each other, you want to be near to them. If you want to introduce sinners to God, you must be near to God and to the sinner, too; and if a man is near God he will have a love for the sinner, and … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Strength in Weakness

D.L. Moody Weekly: The Resurrection
The Resurrection We have for our subject this morning, the Resurrection. The Resurrection is spoken of forty-two times in the New Testament. You might say that there are two principal truths taught all through the New Testament; the death, and resurrection, of Jesus Christ. You touch one, and you touch them both. In fact, you … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: The Resurrection

D.L. Moody Weekly: It Is Finished!
It Is Finished! Oh, until I came to read all about what Christ suffered, I never before realized what He had done for us. I never knew until I came to read all about the Roman custom of scourging what it meant by Christ being scourged for me. When I first read about that I … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: It Is Finished!

D.L. Moody Weekly: Definitely Endued with Power from on High
"Why God Used D.L. Moody, Part 7: Definitely Endued with Power from On High" by R.A. Torrey The seventh thing that was the secret of why God used D. L. Moody was that he had a very definite enduement with power from on High. In his early days he was a great hustler; he had a … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Definitely Endued with Power from on High

D.L. Moody Weekly: His Consuming Passion for the Salvation of the Lost
"Why God Used D.L. Moody, Part 6: His Consuming Passion for the Salvation of the Lost" by R.A. Torrey The sixth reason why God used D. L. Moody was because of his consuming passion for the salvation of the lost. Mr. Moody made the resolution, shortly after he himself was saved, that he would never let … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: His Consuming Passion for the Salvation of the Lost

D.L. Moody Weekly: Freedom from the Love of Money
"Why God Used D.L. Moody, Part 5: His Entire Freedom from the Love of Money" by R.A. Torrey The fifth secret of D. L. Moody’s continual power and usefulness was his entire freedom from the love of money. Mr. Moody might have been a wealthy man, but money had no charms for him. He loved … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Freedom from the Love of Money

D.L. Moody Weekly: A Humble Man
"Why God Used D.L. Moody, Part 4: A Humble Man" by R.A. Torrey The fourth reason why God continuously, through so many years, used D. L. Moody was because he was a humble man. I think D. L. Moody was the humblest man I ever knew in all my life. He loved to quote the … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: A Humble Man

D.L. Moody Weekly: A Deep and Practical Student of the Bible
“Why God Used D.L. Moody, Part 3: A Deep and Practical Student of the Bible” by R.A. Torrey The third secret of Mr. Moody’s power, or the third reason why God used D. L. Moody, was because he was a deep and practical student of the Word of God. Every day of his life, I … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: A Deep and Practical Student of the Bible

D.L. Moody Weekly: A Man of Prayer
"Why God Used D.L. Moody, Part 2: A Man of Prayer" by R.A. Torrey The second secret of the great power exhibited in Mr. Moody’s life was that Mr. Moody was in the deepest and most meaningful sense a man of prayer. People oftentimes say to me: “Well, I went many miles to see and … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: A Man of Prayer

D.L. Moody Weekly: Why God Used D.L. Moody
"Why God Used D.L. Moody, Part 1: A Fully Surrendered Man" by R.A. Torrey The first thing that accounts for God’s using D. L. Moody so mightily was that he was a fully surrendered man. Every ounce of that two-hundred-and-eighty-pound body of his belonged to God; everything he was and everything he had, belonged wholly to God. … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Why God Used D.L. Moody

D.L. Moody Weekly: Christ the Deliverer
Christ the Deliverer Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? But thus saith the Lord: Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Christ the Deliverer

D.L. Moody Weekly: The Prodigal Son
The Prodigal Son There was a young man went off to California, and he left a kind, praying father. He went to the Pacific coast; and the first letter to his father brought the tidings that he was in bad company. The next letter told he had gone on from bad to worse; and every … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: The Prodigal Son

D.L. Moody Weekly: Behold
Behold “Look with attention.” If I said, “Look and see" — how your eyes would go to the wall to see what I saw. The Lord says that to attract attention. When I am giving out a text, some of you are looking at the people around you, at some hat, or the shape of … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Behold

D.L. Moody Weekly: Trust
Trust There is a passage which I like very much in the twenty-sixth chapter of Isaiah, at the third verse: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” The trouble with … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Trust

D.L. Moody Weekly: God is Love
Tweet God Is Love My text is taken from the 1st epistle of John. “God is love.” I hope this text will find its way into every heart here. I want to prove it from Scripture. The great trouble with men is, they are all the time trying to measure God by their own rule, … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: God is Love