John the Baptist announced Jesus to the world by saying, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” In many ways, this is THE story of the Bible, the one that makes sense of all the other stories, and connects, undergirds, and unifies them.


In this sermon spanning seven passages from Genesis to Revelation, we explore how this story resonates across all of Scripture. Seven themes:

  • The Missing Lamb (Genesis 22)
  • The Passover Lamb (Exodus 12)
  • The Sacrificial Lambs (Exodus 29)
  • The Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16)
  • The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53)
  • The Lamb of God – Jesus (John 1)
  • The Lamb on the Throne (Revelation 5)


Scripture is clear: Jesus is “The Sin Atoner.” He has secured an eternal redemption. He has put away sin by the sacrifice of himself by means of his own blood.


The Takeaway: “It is Finished!” Jesus has done everything to make us right with God through his death and resurrection on our behalf. There is nothing we can add to or subtract from his final, full, finished work. It is done. It is finished.


Do you believe that?


Sometimes we don’t believe because we think we don’t need forgiveness. We rationalize our relative goodness in relation to others. But we’d be wrong. We all desperately need forgiveness.


Sometimes we don’t believe because we think we’re beyond the reach of forgiveness. But God has already seen you at your worst, and He loves you anyway. No one is beyond the reach of forgiveness.


Sometimes we don’t believe because we think we’ve worn out God’s forgiveness by doing stupid things over and over again. But remember, Jesus has appeared once-for-all time to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. His atonement covers us past, present, and future.


Won’t you believe this? Jesus has done everything to make us right with God through his death and resurrection on our behalf. There is nothing we can add to or subtract from his final, full, finished work. It is done. It is finished! Won’t you behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world?


Genesis 22, Exodus 12, Exodus 29, Leviticus 16, Isaiah 53, Revelation 5


Click here for the sermon Q&A.