Over the five weeks of Advent, we studied God’s Word and looked at the ways that Moses was Holding Out Hope for the coming of Jesus. At Christmas we celebrated the fact that Jesus became flesh to reveal the Father, to become a faithful High Priest, to put away sin and destroy the works of the devil, to give us an example of a holy life, and to confirm and fulfill the promises of God. We’ve seen Jesus as the Curse Breaker, the Covenant Keeper,  the Law Meditator, and the Sin Atoner. This past Sunday, Pastor Larry McCarthy looked at Jesus as the Promise Fulfiller — a title that should instill hope.


Pastor McCarthy led us through Joshua 1:1-5 and noted four points in this passage that are ultimately fulfilled in the coming of the Messiah:


  • There is a promised inheritance
  • There is a divinely appointed Leader
  • There are gifts of grace received by faith
  • There will be great conflict along the way


Joshua 1:1-5