• March 17, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • 2 responses
CATEGORIZED IN: From Pastor Philip


I’m so grateful for the prayers of God’s people here at The Moody Church. Your prayers mean the world to me. I’m confident that nothing of enduring spiritual value happens without much prayer. Whenever one of my sermons hits home, I’m certain it is because of the prayers of countless, faithful saints who are doing the hidden ministry of prayer. Those quiet, unassuming, secret prayers are reshaping the world.


So, I ask you to be in prayer for my family and me this week as we travel to Cedarville University to speak in Chapel on Wednesday and Thursday. I will be giving a two-part message on the enduring beauty of the Gospel. Please pray that the students and faculty would be encouraged to treasure and live in the wonder of the Gospel in all of life. We appreciate your prayers for our family travels as well.


I also would like to ask you to pray for me as I get ready for Holy Week. I am cognizant of the fact that I only realistically get about forty chances in my lifetime to preach the Good News on Easter morning. What an immense privilege! And I want each one of those messages to count for eternity. Would you pray that God would give me just the right message—one that would lift high the crucified and risen Son of God in a way that all kinds of people would be drawn unto Him by the power of the Spirit? This is the greatest news in the world, and I want to do my part well.


Thanks for praying for me. It reminds me that I too am loved, more than I know.

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2 thoughts on “March 19, 2023

  1. Thanks, Pastor Philip, for letting us know your needs. I will pray for you as you’ve asked. I also want you to know that this blog that you write is a real encouragement to me.

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