• June 10, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
CATEGORIZED IN: From Pastor Philip


Like many students, I gravitated toward certain professors in seminary who then shaped my life in disproportionate ways.
I still remember my first Missions class at Dallas Theological Seminary. Krista and I had spent our day attending a series of classes in our brand new schedule. Each one followed a predictable pattern. It was syllabus day. The professors gave a roll call, went through course objectives, and outlined the assignments due over the coming weeks. We left a bit stressed and in planning mode, mapping out the various tasks that lay before us. But our Missions class was altogether different.


Our professor walked in, asked us to open our Bibles, and proceeded to give one of the most wonder-filled talks about the mission of God to make His name known among the nations. We were instantly captivated. Instead of assignments, we received inspiration. Instead of planning, we got purpose. Instead of grades, we saw glory. We left changed.


It brings me great joy to share my professor with you this morning. Dr. Mark Young, president of Denver Seminary, is a theological educator and pastoral leader with over forty years of global ministry experience. Prior to joining Denver Seminary in 2009, he served as professor of World Missions and Intercultural Studies


at Dallas Theological Seminary from 1995–2009, and was the founding academic dean of the Biblical Theological Seminary in Wroclaw, Poland. Mark has authored several publications, including The Hope of the Gospel: Theological Education and the Next Evangelicalism (2022). He holds a PhD in Educational Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and a ThM in New Testament Literature and Exegesis from Dallas Theological Seminary. Mark has been married to Priscilla Young for nearly 40 years, has three children, seven grandchildren.


Would you join me in welcoming Dr. Mark Young this morning as he opens God’s Word to us?

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