• January 21, 2021
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
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CATEGORIZED IN: From Pastor Philip

This week we once more affirm the sanctity of all human life. Because human beings are created by God, bearing His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26–27), they possess inherent dignity, transendent value, and inestimable worth. Each human life is fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving Creator (Psalm 139:14). There is a precious sacredness to those who bear the imago Dei. From the miracle of conception until life’s final breath, and every moment in between, we affirm the sacredness of life.


It is because of our deep commitment to the sanctity of life that we gladly partner with Caris here in Chicago. Some of you know that Caris was birthed out of The Moody Church back in 1985 as four women were burdened to offer a compassionate, trusted place for women facing unplanned pregnancies. To this day, through a holistic pregnancy-counseling approach, Caris works to address the needs of both the woman and the child with grace, community, and hope. The team at Caris addresses the cultural, societal, spiritual, and economic needs that arise during an unplanned pregnancy, ensuring that both women and children are able to thrive. And through their C25 Project they extend resources and support to women and children until the child’s fifth birthday!


You can learn more about this amazing ministry at caris.org.


Thank you, Caris, for showing the love of Jesus in such tangible and life-affirming ways!


Pastor Philip

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