• April 27, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • 3 responses
CATEGORIZED IN: From Pastor Philip


I’ve always resonated with the idea of a secret identity. Whether it’s the superhero incognito in plain sight, or the young lady who doesn’t know she’s royalty, or the young man who discovers his destiny, our stories are full of tales of secret identity.


In many ways, that’s exactly who we are as followers of Jesus. By grace through faith in Christ, we are children of God. Yet sons and daughters of God are supposed to be titans—mighty and resplendent beings! At least that’s how the old myths go. But ours is a secret identity.


The seed of who we are has been planted. Our identity is growing from the inside out. And one day it will burst forth in glory! As 1 John 3:1–2 says, “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are…. we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.”


Ours is a secret identity. The children of God are hidden in plain sight. And one day glory will break through in glory.


Because even now, we are loved, more than we know!

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3 thoughts on “April 30, 2023

  1. While the spirit of God lives in us, and we are loved and assured that the best is yet to come, ours lives should not be “a secret identity but an Evangelical identity. As a born again Christian, saved by Grace, I am to be a Light and allow Christ to work through me to draw that part of the world that I enrerface with to HIm.

  2. Hi Pastor Phil, you don’t know me but my name is Sandy and I live in the U.P. of Michigan. Houghton/Hancock to be exact. This is my first time listening to you. My brother in Christ goes to The Moody Church and is one of the ushers there, Glenn Jampsa, he’s lived in Chicago since 1990 now. It’s really strange because when I was married he was best friends with my husband and so was his brother Kerry, we all hung around together. Well it’s been quite a few years we all drifted apart, I lost my husband and just recently heard Glenn lost his brother Kerry. So I tried to find Glenn to talk and give my condolences. It took awhile but I finally found where his mom was and she gave me Glenn’s number. He shared with me that he got saved and quit alcohol for 28 years now. So he told me all about the Moody Church and he seems so happy! I too am a born again Christian and serving my Lord and Saviour. So today I looked up your church and found it very inviting, who knows I may even come visit one day. I really enjoyed your sermon today, God bless you! Love in Christ Jesus Sandy

    1. Sandy: We’d love to have you visit us some day! Thanks for sharing your story. God bless!

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