• January 10, 2022
  • BY Elsa Wiese
  • no responses
CATEGORIZED IN: Children's Chorus


Hello Chorus Parents!


I hope each of you had a joyful time celebrating Christmas with family and friends. Thank you to each of you for and especially to the kids for their wonderful presentation of “It All Happened in the Country.” I had so many people express their appreciation for the kids, both their hard work and the message they presented. Please tell them how proud I am of all their hard work!



We are planning to have Children’s Choir this Wednesday from 5:30-6:30pm. We hope to see you there! As any FYI- for various reasons we have decided to continue with our music rehearsals and activities instead of watching the musical.



If you’d like to watch the musical or share it with anyone you can find it at https://youtu.be/t7Iggx-17HI?t=2210.  We are also able to make a DVD of the performance available to you by request. The first one is free and any additional copies can be purchased for $1. Feel free to reply to this email or to sign up for a DVD copy at the welcome table on Wednesdays.



If you checked out a listening CD for the musical, please return it in the coming weeks. You will receive your $10 deposit back when you turn in the CD.  Thanks so much!


Thank you for a great fall season and we look forward to what is in store for us as we continue to learn and sing together.




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