• May 17, 2024
  • BY Sydney Bylsma
  • no responses
CATEGORIZED IN: From Pastor Philip

I want to wish a very happy graduation to the high school class of 2024! Your hard work and perseverance have paid off. As a church family, we celebrate with you and commit to praying for you as you take these next steps. I want you to know that you will always have a welcoming church home here at The Moody Church. We love each one of you, more than you know!


It is fitting on this graduation Sunday that we will be hearing our own Pastor Justin May preach to us from God‘s Word. As you know, this is a kind of graduation for Justin as well, as he steps up to lead our Veritas community going forward. I know we will all be blessed by his teaching this morning!


The Miller family would greatly appreciate your prayers this week as we are traveling in the United Kingdom. As a part of our doctoral programs, Krista and I have a study-abroad component at Wycliffe Hall at Oxford University. We’re learning about the history and theology of missions, and enjoying a taste of British culture along the way. Our kids are here with us, as well as my parents who are exploring with their grandchildren while we’re in class. As you think of us, we’d appreciate your prayers for energy, focus, safety, and meaningful connection.


Thank you for your prayers! And remember, you are loved, more than you know!

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