Question: When you think or hear sermons of Martha and Mary who do you relate to?
Attributes of a Martha- doer, take-charge attitude, whatever needs to be done, loves to serve, speaks her mind, dependable, you can count on her to be where and do what she said she would do, she gets things done, leader, organized, at a funeral Martha would take care of the food and make sure everyone has enough, she think to ask you if your dog needed walking or your plants watered
Attributes of a Mary- woman of few words, not a typical leaders, devoted follower, doesn’t volunteer for jobs in the spot light, can be easily absorbed listening to others, easily spends an hour or more in devotions, at a funeral Mary would put her arm around you while you weep,
Jesus is always the highest priority. “Do all things to the glory of God.” I Cor. 10:31.
Question: Is Jesus less present if I am changing a diaper, making dinner, wiping up the 10th spill, or sitting quietly reading my Bible and praying.
In Luke 10, Jesus doesn’t scold Martha for working around the house. The one necessary thing was attention and devotion to Him. Mary could have been letting her mind wander while Jesus was speaking to her, just as Martha could have continued cooking and cleaning and setting a nice table as an honorable offering to Jesus.
Jesus tells Martha in Luke 10, don’t worry about Mary, but to follow him while she cooks and cleans.
God wants us to turn all our earthly deeds and passions toward the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, if you are a Martha, stay a Martha, she has no less devotion to Jesus than Mary. Love Him in your work- do it with all your heart.
Being still and knowing He is God is paramount to the Christian life. Why?
- The Word provides the very wisdom of God that we need for all decisions and directions. 2 Peter 1:3, 2 Timothy 3:15-17
- The Word puts us in communion with the living Lord of heaven and earth. Is. 30:12
- The Word puts all of life’s pressures in proper perspective
- The Word hidden in your heart keeps you from sinning. Ps. 119:11
Questions: What is your biggest enemy in spending consistent time alone with God? What if I don’t get anything out of the Bible when I read it? What keeps God’s Word fresh? What if I don’t like reading, are there other ways?