Hi Moms!

Hoping to connect with other mothers?
So are we!
We’d love to see you and your kids at a park this summer. These playdates will be a laid-back time for us to hang out and chat (when we’re not chasing toddlers or mediating playground disputes). Bring your own blanket and snacks, invite a friend, and join us!
We hope you’ll leave feeling seen and encouraged.
Starting this September, we’ll resume our regular meetings.

August 3


Oz Park

2021 N Burling St.  

Free street parking available.

Park Day Details:

Come and go as you please.

BYOS (bring your own snacks)


For questions or more information:

claire.vanderhart@moodychurch.org or Paula Andrews: paula.joann.andrews@gmail.com.


Or join our WhatsApp Group!