March 31, 2024 | 10:00am
LIVE-STREAM: You can join us online on our Live Stream page, or our YouTube channel. The service will be interpreted into ASL for Deaf and hard-of-hearing. Traducción al español disponible.

Easter Sunday FAQs
TMC Kids and the nursery will be available on Easter Sunday during the service. Pickup time is 11:30am.
Child activity packets will be available for children and families to grab in the main lobby.
Overflow rooms outside the Sanctuary will also available for those families who would feel more comfortable there.
Yes, validated parking will be available at Piper’s Alley (230 W. North Avenue) and at the Chicago History Parking Lot (1730 N. Stockton Drive).
Please bring your parking ticket to the church for validation. There are parking kiosks for validation in the main lobby and at the 1609/1635 N LaSalle entrances.
For more information about visiting The Moody Church for the first time, click here. You’ll find more information about parking & transportation, our history, and what we believe.
Seating is general and open to all. Plan to arrive early if you’d like to ensure a seat in the Sanctuary. Doors open at 9:30am.
Livestream will be available in Rooms 103, 304, and 307.
Wheelchair accessible entrance is located at 1625 N LaSalle.
If you have any questions or need help, our ushers will be available to provide assistance.