Moms at The Moody Church


Hi Moms! We are excited for you to connect and grow. We pray this groups helps you grow closer to Jesus and closer in community.


The group is open to all mothers with a special accent on women new to motherhood. Whatever the ages and stages of your children, we hope this will be a place where you can give and receive the love of Christ as we journey together.


During the Summer, we will break from our usual meetings and gather at casual park days instead.

May 30th


Eckhart Park Playground

1330 W Chicago Ave

Park Day Details:

Come and go as you please.

BYOS (bring your own snacks)

For questions or more information: or Elaina Chelstrom:

June 15th


Prairie District Park

2051 S Prairie Ave, Chicago IL 60616

Across from Wintrust Arena in the South Loop area.

There is a splash pad, so plan accordingly. 😀

Park Day Details:

Come and go as you please.

BYOS (bring your own snacks)

For questions or more information: or Sarah Huang:

July 15th


West Ridge Nature Park Play Space 

5801 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60659

Park Day Details:

Come and go as you please.

BYOS (bring your own snacks)

For questions or more information: or Serenity Singh: